Organization name
Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan
other names
be nice.
Tax id (EIN)
160 68th St SWGRAND RAPIDS, MI 49548
be upstream mental health and suicide prevention program with an action plan that works
be nice. is a program with a four-step action plan that's proven to save lives. Under the leadership of Executive Director Christy Buck, the Foundation enlisted Grand Valley State University researchers to conduct an evidence-based study to prove the effectiveness of the program. Results concluded the be nice. program creates a positive culture, increases mental health referrals, and increases behaviors that prevent suicide.
When used effectively, the be nice. action plan - to notice, invite, challenge, and empower - encourages individuals to challenge themselves and others to seek appropriate professional help when they notice mental health changes or concerns. This program equips individuals in schools, businesses, faith institutions, and communities with the knowledge and confidence to take action when it comes to mental health and suicide prevention
Organization name
Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan
other names
be nice.
Tax id (EIN)
160 68th St SW