Help SAYT have a home this year!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Superior Arts Youth Theater
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Help us pay for a year of space! Every dollar counts toward helping us have a home.


raised by 0 people

$24,300 goal

Superior Arts Youth Theater does not have a permanent home but we are fortunate to have places to rent in our community so we can continue to serve you! If you believe in our programming please consider supporting us. 

Rehearsal Space Rental - We hold rehearsals with up to 90 kids in rooms we rent from Marquette Hope. We love using this space as our home base and having a consistent, accessible place to prepare for performances. A donation of $250 defrays our rehearsal space rental costs for one month.

Performance Space Rental - Over the last 18 years, the SAYT season has expanded to include up to seven plays and musicals. To provide the best experience possible for our participants and audiences, we rent performance spaces from local theaters. A typical performance venue rental costs between $4,500-$7,000 per production. 

Storage Space Rental - We pay $400 per month for the storage of props, costumes, and scenery. Reusing supplies reduces our environmental impact and saves money. Storage space also allows us to share resources, like costumes and props, with other organizations in our community! 

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